
Category: Family Dentistry

Oral Health: The Mouth-Body Connection

With Summer around the corner and June being Oral Health month now is the perfect time to raise awareness about proper oral hygiene and its importance. It is also a great time to reveal its impact on your overall health. Many people think of oral health as merely about brushing and flossing. But it is […]

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May is National Dental Health Month

May is National Dental Care Month and serves as a reminder on why caring for our teeth is so important. If you’re just going through the motions of cleaning your teeth and not properly brushing, flossing, or visiting your dentist regularly, you could be at risk for dental and overall health issues. It is critical to […]

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It’s A Good Time for a Spring-Cleaning

The change from Winter to Spring kicks off with a good spring-cleaning. While for many this means going through closets and organizing clothes, clearing out the garage and storage space, sweeping out the cobwebs and clutter inside and outside your domicile. But don’t forget, your house isn’t the only thing that deserves freshening up…your oral […]

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Start the New Year with a New Smile!

With a new year come new resolutions, If you haven’t made one, we suggest an easy resolution that you can be sure to keep and one that will help you be healthier and more confident. There’s no more life-changing impact than maintaining your dental health. And the best way to ensure this is to avoid creating […]

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Don’t Baby Your Baby’s Dental Health

Many parents are unsure when to take their child for an initial visit to the dentist. Most don’t see the necessity, either that they don’t believe their child doesn’t have enough teeth yet or they don’t think their child can handle it.  Baby teeth (primary teeth) are important to your child’s overall health. Having healthy […]

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