Check out the current specials and incentives we are offering. For more information and help determining which dental service is right for your needs. Call us at 562-923-7799 or via book an appointment below.

New Patient Introductory Special
Only $55.00
That’s a savings of $99.00
You will receive a thorough examination of your mouth, including teeth, gums, x-rays, and a discussion with our dentist about your dental health.
Hurry, offer expires July 31, 2024
Call Now! 562-923-7799
New patients only. Cleaning not included. Cannot be combined with any other special or used with insurance.
Dr. Soto the Downey Dentist accepts most traditional insurance plans. Our office will verify acceptance of your plan and file your claims for you.

Especial de introducción para nuevos pacientes
Sólo $55.00
Eso es un ahorro de $99.00
Recibirá un examen exhaustivo de su boca (incluidos dientes y encías), una serie de radiografías y una conversación sobre su salud dental.
Date prisa, la oferta vence el 31 de julio de 2024
¡Llama ahora! 562-923-7799
Solo pacientes nuevos. Limpieza no incluida. No se puede combinar con ningún otro especial ni utilizar con un seguro.
La Dra. Soto, la dentista de Downey, acepta la mayoría de los planes de seguro tradicionales. Nuestra oficina verificará la aceptación de su plan y presentará sus reclamos por usted.
We’ve made requesting an appointment simple. Just click and set up your visit. Then, if for any reason you cannot keep a scheduled appointment, or are delayed, simply call us at 562-923-7799. We look forward to seeing your smile.